Friday, June 29, 2007

Thing 2 - Lifelong Learning

The easiest lifelong learning habit for me is 7 1/2 Play. I always find time to have fun and if I can have fun and work at the same time even better. The hardest habit for me is 2 accepting responsibility for your own learning because i'm enthusiastic in the begging and then I sometime get bored with the project and do not want to finish the project.

1 comment:

JimD said...

We sound very much the same. I'm surprised by how many people listed "Play" as the hardest thing. I think we have an attitude that if it's associated with work then we shouldn't be having fun. In my opinion, life is too short. If you can't enjoy your work, then it might be a good idea to start looking for a new situation. Not all jobs offer this luxury, of course. We're lucky that ours does.