Tuesday, August 21, 2007

week 5 thing 12 rollyo

Creating a search engine which searched sites you often frequent could be very useful. I think that it will save me time when I am searching for specific things. I created a shopping rollyo which included sites that I frequent when making purchases. Having this site record sites I often use will allow me to search those pages all at once and I will not have to remember the site address instead of retyping the information on a different page.

I see that libraries may use this type of search engine to answer frequently requested searches and could organize many sites into one location.

Week 5 Thing 11 - Library Thing

The Library Thing site is a great site for people who enjoy reading and like to share their thoughts and feelings about what they are reading. I think this site can be very useful for library staff when recommending titles for customers to read. I can also see this site being useful as a virtual book club of sorts or for reading contests.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Week 5 Thing 10

I had a lot of fun creating avatars!!! I preferred using the meez.com site. This site allowed me give the meez I created an action like dancing, drinking coffee or shopping.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Week 4 Thing 9

When searching for news feeds I preferred to find the website first then attempt to add it to a news reader if it was available. Some of the RSS search engines were more difficult to find the information I was interested in. They may be something that I need to work with more in depth before I rule them out completely. However, I did enjoy subscribing to topics from bloglines. It signed me up for several RSS feeds on topics and then I unsubscribe to those that just didn't interest me. One of the RSS feeds I have been enjoying is luxist, today an article was posted about what some airlines are offering for first class travel. I have to say no wonder it costs several thousand dollars to fly first class.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Week 4 Thing 8

The thing I like most about newsreaders is the ability to go to one sight and have all the new information posted in one location. Since discovering this ability I have added and subtracted subscriptions to sites that I would never have even known about. I don't like to spend to much time searching site after site for information. The newsreader brings everything to me. I have been using this to get information on everything from the latest sales to things that are happening on the news. I am finding that I check bloglines frequently to see what is new.